If you lived in Ecuador instead of Ethiopia, you would:


live 9.2 years longer

In Ethiopia, the average life expectancy is 68 years (66 years for men, 70 years for women) as of 2022. In Ecuador, that number is 78 years (75 years for men, 81 years for women) as of 2020.

be 4.4 times more likely to be obese

In Ethiopia, 4.5% of adults are obese as of 2016. In Ecuador, that number is 19.9% of people as of 2016.


make 4.5 times more money

Ethiopia has a GDP per capita of $2,400 as of 2022, while in Ecuador, the GDP per capita is $10,900 as of 2022.


be 75.3% less likely to die during childbirth

In Ethiopia, approximately 267.0 women per 100,000 births die during labor as of 2020. In Ecuador, 66.0 women do as of 2020.

be 81.3% more likely to be literate

In Ethiopia, the literacy rate is 51.8% as of 2017. In Ecuador, it is 93.9% as of 2022.

be 45.9% less likely to die during infancy

In Ethiopia, approximately 33.5 children (per 1,000 live births) die before they reach the age of one as of 2022. In Ecuador, on the other hand, 18.1 children do as of 2022.

have 40.2% fewer children

In Ethiopia, there are approximately 29.6 babies per 1,000 people as of 2024. In Ecuador, there are 17.7 babies per 1,000 people as of 2024.

Basic Needs

be 84.8% more likely to have access to electricity

In Ethiopia, approximately 54% of people have electricity access (96% in urban areas, and 43% in rural areas) as of 2021. In Ecuador, that number is 100% of people on average (100% in urban areas, and 93% in rural areas) as of 2021.

be 4.5 times more likely to have internet access

In Ethiopia, approximately 17.0% of the population has internet access as of 2021. In Ecuador, about 76.0% do as of 2021.

be 24.9% more likely to have access to improved drinking water

In Ethiopia, approximately 76% of people have improved drinking water access (98% in urban areas, and 70% in rural areas) as of 2020. In Ecuador, that number is 95% of people on average (100% in urban areas, and 87% in rural areas) as of 2020.


spend 17.8% less on education

Ethiopia spends 4.5% of its total GDP on education as of 2019. Ecuador spends 3.7% of total GDP on education as of 2021.

spend 2.4 times more on healthcare

Ethiopia spends 3.5% of its total GDP on healthcare as of 2020. In Ecuador, that number is 8.5% of GDP as of 2020.

The statistics above were calculated using the following data sources: The World Factbook.

Ecuador: At a glance

Ecuador is a sovereign country in South America, with a total land area of approximately 276,841 sq km. What is now Ecuador formed part of the northern Inca Empire until the Spanish conquest in 1533. Quito became a seat of Spanish colonial government in 1563 and part of the Viceroyalty of New Granada in 1717. The territories of the Viceroyalty - New Granada (Colombia), Venezuela, and Quito - gained their independence between 1819 and 1822 and formed a federation known as Gran Colombia. When Quito withdrew in 1830, the traditional name was changed in favor of the "Republic of the Equator." Between 1904 and 1942, Ecuador lost territories in a series of conflicts with its neighbors. A border war with Peru that flared in 1995 was resolved in 1999. Although Ecuador marked 30 years of civilian governance in 2004, the period was marred by political instability. Protests in Quito contributed to the mid-term ouster of three of Ecuador's last four democratically elected presidents. In late 2008, voters approved a new constitution, Ecuador's 20th since gaining independence. General elections were held in February 2013, and voters re-elected President Rafael CORREA.
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