If you lived in Uruguay instead of Ireland, you would:


live 3.2 years less

In Ireland, the average life expectancy is 82 years (79 years for men, 84 years for women) as of 2022. In Uruguay, that number is 78 years (75 years for men, 82 years for women) as of 2022.

be 10.3% more likely to be obese

In Ireland, 25.3% of adults are obese as of 2016. In Uruguay, that number is 27.9% of people as of 2016.


be 29.3% less likely to live below the poverty line

In Ireland, 14.0% live below the poverty line as of 2021. In Uruguay, however, that number is 9.9% as of 2022.

pay a 37.5% lower top tax rate

Ireland has a top tax rate of 48.0% as of 2016. In Uruguay, the top tax rate is 30.0% as of 2016.

make 78.3% less money

Ireland has a GDP per capita of $112,400 as of 2022, while in Uruguay, the GDP per capita is $24,400 as of 2022.

be 75.7% more likely to be unemployed

In Ireland, 4.5% of adults are unemployed as of 2022. In Uruguay, that number is 7.9% as of 2022.


have 13.5% more children

In Ireland, there are approximately 11.1 babies per 1,000 people as of 2024. In Uruguay, there are 12.6 babies per 1,000 people as of 2024.

be 3.8 times more likely to die during childbirth

In Ireland, approximately 5.0 women per 100,000 births die during labor as of 2020. In Uruguay, 19.0 women do as of 2020.

be 2.4 times more likely to die during infancy

In Ireland, approximately 3.5 children (per 1,000 live births) die before they reach the age of one as of 2022. In Uruguay, on the other hand, 8.3 children do as of 2022.


spend 48.4% more on education

Ireland spends 3.1% of its total GDP on education as of 2020. Uruguay spends 4.6% of total GDP on education as of 2020.

spend 29.6% more on healthcare

Ireland spends 7.1% of its total GDP on healthcare as of 2020. In Uruguay, that number is 9.2% of GDP as of 2020.


see 54.4% less coastline

Ireland has a total of 1,448 km of coastline. In Uruguay, that number is 660 km.

The statistics above were calculated using the following data sources: Dirección General Impositiva, The World Factbook, The Office of the Revenue Commissioners.

Uruguay: At a glance

Uruguay is a sovereign country in South America, with a total land area of approximately 175,015 sq km. Montevideo, founded by the Spanish in 1726 as a military stronghold, soon took advantage of its natural harbor to become an important commercial center. Claimed by Argentina but annexed by Brazil in 1821, Uruguay declared its independence four years later and secured its freedom in 1828 after a three-year struggle. The administrations of President Jose BATLLE in the early 20th century launched widespread political, social, and economic reforms that established a statist tradition. A violent Marxist urban guerrilla movement named the Tupamaros, launched in the late 1960s, led Uruguay's president to cede control of the government to the military in 1973. By yearend, the rebels had been crushed, but the military continued to expand its hold over the government. Civilian rule was not restored until 1985. In 2004, the left-of-center Frente Amplio Coalition won national elections that effectively ended 170 years of political control previously held by the Colorado and Blanco parties. Uruguay's political and labor conditions are among the freest on the continent.
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