If you lived in Turkmenistan instead of French Polynesia, you would:


live 6.6 years less

In French Polynesia, the average life expectancy is 78 years (76 years for men, 81 years for women) as of 2022. In Turkmenistan, that number is 72 years (69 years for men, 75 years for women) as of 2022.


be 65.0% less likely to be unemployed

In French Polynesia, 11.8% of adults are unemployed as of 2022. In Turkmenistan, that number is 4.1% as of 2022.

be 99.0% less likely to live below the poverty line

In French Polynesia, 19.7% live below the poverty line as of 2009. In Turkmenistan, however, that number is 0.2% as of 2012.

make 21.0% less money

French Polynesia has a GDP per capita of $18,600 as of 2021, while in Turkmenistan, the GDP per capita is $14,700 as of 2022.


have 24.7% more children

In French Polynesia, there are approximately 13.5 babies per 1,000 people as of 2022. In Turkmenistan, there are 16.8 babies per 1,000 people as of 2024.

be 8.5 times more likely to die during infancy

In French Polynesia, approximately 4.4 children (per 1,000 live births) die before they reach the age of one as of 2022. In Turkmenistan, on the other hand, 37.6 children do as of 2022.

Basic Needs

be 65.2% less likely to have internet access

In French Polynesia, approximately 72.7% of the population has internet access as of 2021. In Turkmenistan, about 25.3% do as of 2022.

The statistics above were calculated using the following data sources: The World Factbook.

Turkmenistan: At a glance

Turkmenistan is a sovereign country in Central Asia, with a total land area of approximately 469,930 sq km. Present-day Turkmenistan covers territory that has been at the crossroads of civilizations for centuries. The area was ruled in antiquity by various Persian empires, and was conquered by Alexander the Great, Muslim crusaders, the Mongols, Turkic warriors, and eventually the Russians. In medieval times Merv (today known as Mary) was one of the great cities of the Islamic world and an important stop on the Silk Road. Annexed by Russia in the late 1800s, Turkmenistan later figured prominently in the anti-Bolshevik movement in Central Asia. In 1924, Turkmenistan became a Soviet republic; it achieved independence upon the dissolution of the USSR in 1991. Extensive hydrocarbon/natural gas reserves, which have yet to be fully exploited, have begun to transform the country. Turkmenistan is moving to expand its extraction and delivery projects. The Government of Turkmenistan is actively working to diversify its gas export routes beyond the still important Russian pipeline network. In 2010, new gas export pipelines that carry Turkmen gas to China and to northern Iran began operating, effectively ending the Russian monopoly on Turkmen gas exports. President for Life Saparmurat NYYAZOW died in December 2006, and Turkmenistan held its first multi-candidate presidential election in February 2007. Gurbanguly BERDIMUHAMEDOW, a deputy cabinet chairman under NYYAZOW, emerged as the country's new president; he was chosen as president again in February 2012, in an election that the OSCE said lacked the freedoms necessary to create a competitive environment.
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