If you lived in San Marino instead of Cameroon, you would:


live 20.6 years longer

In Cameroon, the average life expectancy is 63 years (61 years for men, 65 years for women) as of 2022. In San Marino, that number is 84 years (81 years for men, 87 years for women) as of 2022.


make 16.6 times more money

Cameroon has a GDP per capita of $3,700 as of 2022, while in San Marino, the GDP per capita is $61,600 as of 2021.

be 2.1 times more likely to be unemployed

In Cameroon, 3.8% of adults are unemployed as of 2022. In San Marino, that number is 8.1% as of 2017.


be 29.6% more likely to be literate

In Cameroon, the literacy rate is 77.1% as of 2018. In San Marino, it is 99.9% as of 2018.

be 86.6% less likely to die during infancy

In Cameroon, approximately 48.7 children (per 1,000 live births) die before they reach the age of one as of 2022. In San Marino, on the other hand, 6.5 children do as of 2022.

have 74.5% fewer children

In Cameroon, there are approximately 34.7 babies per 1,000 people as of 2024. In San Marino, there are 8.8 babies per 1,000 people as of 2022.

Basic Needs

be 52.9% more likely to have access to electricity

In Cameroon, approximately 65% of the population has electricity access as of 2021. In San Marino, 100% of the population do as of 2021.

be 63.0% more likely to have internet access

In Cameroon, approximately 46.0% of the population has internet access as of 2021. In San Marino, about 75.0% do as of 2021.

be 27.2% more likely to have access to improved drinking water

In Cameroon, approximately 79% of people have improved drinking water access as of 2020. In San Marino, 100% of people do as of 2020.


spend 2.3 times more on healthcare

Cameroon spends 3.8% of its total GDP on healthcare as of 2020. In San Marino, that number is 8.7% of GDP as of 2020.

The statistics above were calculated using the following data sources: The World Factbook.

San Marino: At a glance

San Marino is a sovereign country in Europe, with a total land area of approximately 61 sq km. Geographically the third smallest state in Europe (after the Holy See and Monaco), San Marino also claims to be the world's oldest republic. According to tradition, it was founded by a Christian stonemason named MARINUS in A.D. 301. San Marino's foreign policy is aligned with that of the European Union, although it is not a member; social and political trends in the republic track closely with those of its larger neighbor, Italy.
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